For most people, death is usually the end of the road, the last stop on the train of life. After that is judgement and well, when you’re in the mob life, even you have gotta pay the devil his due. But Stan Bonachard isn’t like most people. All the times he was to be fit with a wooden overcoat, he sat right up, shook out his coat, and got back to work. Nobody knows just how he does it, nobody except his brother. But who’s going to ask a grave digger why his brother doesn’t seem to stay dead?

The Story So Far

Story Updates

HULLO! You all have probably noticed the lack of updates and the absolute deadness of this site’s blog since I’ve opened it. Well, it’s for good reason—mostly RL reasons. Deciding whether my family and I are moving, when and where, and how to do it on […]
Ok, I know that I am a sporadic writer but I want this year to be the year I finally publish Salem and Bonely’s story. So, starting today, I’ll be trying to do monthly updates like authors do on AO3 ( With this kind of set […]