You all have probably noticed the lack of updates and the absolute deadness of this site’s blog since I’ve opened it. Well, it’s for good reason—mostly RL reasons. Deciding whether my family and I are moving, when and where, and how to do it on our budget; getting a minor break and major sprain in my ankle on my way home from visiting my sister; and trying to maintain things at home while all this chaos ensues.

HOWEVER! As my family and I have been trucking through this, my mandatory resting time for my ankle has forced me to confront things that I have been neglecting: namely my ambitions to be published and my poor management of my previous free time.

So, to help remedy these conflicting things, I have made new subsections for stories that I will be working on and updating as regularly as I can. This will be a kind of AO3 type thing, giving me some breathing room and you guys a place to get some actual content! So to celebrate, I not only made 3 new sub-categories to the Stories tab but added some snazzy new cover pics to the main page and story pages!

So be sure to check in often for more updates!

That aside, I’m super excited about the stories I’m going to be sharing with you guys!
I hope you all enjoy the updates and the upcoming content! 😀



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