Bonely’s first color debut pic!

Say hello to Stanley Bonachard! He’s the eldest (and shortest) of two brothers and commonly goes by the name “Bonely”. Son of Necromancer Capernum Dante and heir to his father’s demon contract, Stan prefers to go by his mother’s maiden name and the occupational title of bone mage and owner of the Bone Orchard Pawnery (Pawnshop).  He’s relatively friendly to those who don’t threaten him or his brother, though one should always be wary of his goods as they could possibly contraband. He likes to gamble and has a gained a keen eye for cheaters. (Word to the wise, DO NOT CHEAT HIM OUT OF HIS WINNINGS. THERE ARE FATES WORSE THAN DEATH AND HE KNOWS HOW TO APPLY THEM!)

When he’s not gambling or doing black-market deals, Bonely spends a lot of time with his brother, Sal, usually in the cemetery his brother looks after. He jokes with his brother on an almost constant basis and loves it when people play jokes on him. He also enjoys spending time at the local dance hall (even if he still holds a grudge over a certain game of strip poker with the owner, Byron). He’s very talented with a harmonica and the stringed bass and enjoys playing jazz, swing, and the occasional polka.

Like all back-alley merchants, Bonely has more than his share of skeletons in his closet (pun intended) – specifically a certain demon who has its sights set on Bonely thanks to a contract it held with his father. With his brother’s confidence, good heart, generous spirit and no small amount of Clerical magic making him untouchable to said evil, Bonely struggles to resist the influence of his father’s demon and often uses the dark magic it provides when dealing with more… serious matters. The abilities that come from this magic range from reanimating corpses, skeletons, summoning bones, and even controlling and commanding nearby wandering spirits. At its peak, Bonely’s magic gives him the option of temporarily becoming a living skeleton, thus rendering him invulnerable so long as no one obtains any of his bones. Should one or more of his bones go astray, the holder or wielder of those bones would have complete power over him – another powerful fear that restrains Bonely from using such a powerful and dangerous ability.

However that’s not his only terror. Bonely has a deep-seated fear of becoming like his father – an empty puppet for the demon to control- or worse, a demon himself. These fears and anxieties manifest themselves in terrible nightmares which the demon uses to try and get a stronger hold on him. However, his fears are usually soothed away by his brother whose clerical magic has healing and purifying abilities.


Bonely was actually inspired by Sans from Undertale and Steak from Helvetica. I really liked the style the author of Helvetica used, so I incorporated a bit of that into this picture. I’ve been meaning to do some real art for him, and tonight’s cold and unstoppable fits of coughing provided the perfect excuse as to why I could be up and doing art stuffs all night. (Of course, I would’ve really enjoyed having a full night’s sleep. But Oh well, Bonely came out beautifully. |3)


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